
@ Yoga Tree

Saturday 12.30-1.30pm

Thursday 7.30-8.30pm


Tuesday 7.30-8.30pm

£18 per person

Or monthly membership of £45

Get Emotionally Strong

The Roadmap to inner strength

If you are in the mental space of confusion, fear, uncertainty and at a loss as what to do next, you can begin here in creating your very own Roadmap to inner strength. This session is a consultation and can be purchased as one off, or a block of consultations. Depending on your finances and what you need.

Sometimes this consultation is a great stepping stone to begin inner work on your own. For others it can help them decide what program to go for within Kundalini with Katrina.

If you wish to go ahead book this session, please click the book now. This link will take you to your payment. Once your payment is made, you will be emailed a scheduling link - so make sure you give your up to date email address.

£40.00 Per hour

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